Welcome to CDU's off-campus accommodation database

Finding a place to live is one of the biggest decisions faced by University students. CDU StudyStays provides a listing of accommodation vacancies around the Charles Darwin University campuses offered by private providers.


Register to get contact information for listings, save listings to your shortlist and more.

Already registered? Sign in now.

Register to get contact information for listings, save listings to your shortlist and more.

Already registered? Sign in now.
* You must be registered to view the contact information of accomodation providers. Click here to learn more.

Accommodation providers

Sign in or register to list your accommodation.

Want to advertise a spare room or property?
Sign in or register to list your accommodation.

All accommodation providers must abide by the terms and conditions of this website. You must read and accept the full terms and conditions when registering to be eligible to list your accommodation. Click here to learn more.

As all listings are privately owned and managed, we strongly recommend the following:

- Always inspect the property and understand the terms before signing any lease or contract.
- Prior to physically viewing the property or meeting the landlord, avoid paying deposits or sending money.
- Manage your own accommodation before/upon your arrival, rather than relying on friends to secure it for you.
- Make sure not to make payments to unfamiliar individuals.

For assistance, contact us at accommodation.assistance@cdu.edu.au

The accommodation listed on this site, and the links to other websites, are not endorsed by, or offered by, the University. You must read and accept the full terms and conditions when registering to obtain provider contact information.

** Please note: Accommodation listed on this website has not been inspected by Charles Darwin University **